N.D.A Syllabus 2023

National defence academy(NDA) Syllabus 2023

National Defence Academy (NDA) written examinations is devided into two papers namely mathematics and General Ability Test(GAT).The NDA1 ecam is to conducted offline on 16th april 2023 and NDA2 exam will be held on 3rd september 2023.


Check exam pattern in the table below.
Name of the exam National Defence Academy
Conducting body Upsc
Frequency of exam Twice in a year(april and september)
Exam mode Offline
Papers in NDA 1.Mathematics
2.General Abily Test
Marks 1.Mathematics-300 marks
2.GAT-600 marks
No of questions 1.Mathematics-120
Negative marks 1.Mathematics-0.83 marks
2.GAT-1.33 marks
Exam duration 2.5 hours for each paper

NDA Exam Pattern -

The Mathematics paper have 120 questions of 300 marks and GAT will have English and GK of 200 and 400 marks respectively

Paper I-Mathematics
Total marks 300 marks
Total no of questions 120
Marks awarded for correct answer 2.5 marks
Marks deducted for wrong answers -0.83 marks
Exam duration 2.5 hours
General Ability Test exam pattern
Paper II- General Ability Test
Total marks 600 marks
Total no of questions 150
No of question in English 50
No of question in GK 100
Max marks for English 200 marks
Max marks for GK 400 marks
Marks awarded for correct answer 4 marks for both sections
Marks deducted for wrong answers -1.33 marks
Exam duration 2.5 hours
SSB Interview pattern
Stage1 Screening test
Psychological test
Stage2 Group officer test
Personal interview and conference

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